Support the work of CIS

With your help we can continue providing much needed services for the Irish community in both the immediate and long term.

Coventry Irish Society needs your help to get necessary services to the vulnerable members of the Irish community in Coventry as well as bringing services to the Irish community in general.

There is also a strong need to keep the heritage and culture of the Irish community alive within the city.

There are a number of ways that you can support

the Society's work, including:

Volunteering your time

Coventry Irish Society volunteers carry out important and valuable work across the City on a regular basis. The hard work of our volunteers is much appreciated by staff, clients and members of Coventry Irish Society, however we are always keen to involve new volunteers.


Making a donation

Coventry Irish Society is a Charity aiming to help all generations of the Irish community in Coventry and the surrounding areas. We particularly aim to help those members of our community that are the most vulnerable and in need of support.


Becoming a member

The Society has two levels of membership which include receiving regular news and updates, discounts on Society events, and voting rights at our Annual General Meetings to elect the Board of Trustees. Full members can also be nominated to serve on the Trustee Board.


Joining our Business Network

The Coventry Irish Business Network (CIBN) is an initiative led by the Coventry Irish Society to create opportunities for business and partnerships among all generations of the Irish community in Coventry.

A cup of coffee with a flower design on the foam

“The Coventry Irish Society supports the most vulnerable members of the Irish community in Coventry, and we also act as a ‘gateway’ to help them to access other community-based and mainstream services.”

Coventry Irish Society. Charity Registration No. 1150290

A Company Limited by Guarantee and Registered in England and Wales No. 8235510

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